Saturday, September 12, 2015

Garai Paysu (Jackfruit Payasam, Chakka prathaman)

Recipe Type: Indian                                Yield: 4
Preparation Time: 10 mins                     Cooking Time: 20 mins

1 cup of chopped jackfruit
1/4 cup of jaggery powder
2 tsp of clarified butter (ghee)
7 cashew nuts
6 raisins
3/4 cup of coconut milk
2 cups of water
1/2 cardamom powder


1. Heat a sauce pan. Add 2 cups of water and chopped jackfruit. Cook for 10 mins.
2. Now sieve off the water. Save this water for further use.
3. Keep 10 pieces of cooked jackfruit. Grind remaining cooked jackfruit into a fine paste.

4. Heat another sauce pan. Pour clarified butter. Put cashew nuts and raisins. Fry for 2 mins.

5. Now pour the ground jackfruit paste, jaggery powder and saved jackfruit cooked water. Cook for 10 mins. Add 10 pieces of saved jackfruit.

6. Pour coconut milk and switch off gas. Add cardamom powder. Mix well. Serve hot or cold.

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