Saturday, July 8, 2017

Eggless Tiramisu Cake


  Set cake: 7hrs                                                                                Yield : 8 slices
Preparation Time : 15 mins                                                           Cooking Time : 15 mins

1 and 1/2 cup water
2 tbsp coffee powder (Nescafe)
354.88 ml (12oz)heavy whipped cream cheese
18 ladyfingers biscuits
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tbsp cocoa powder (for garnishing)

1. Heat a sauce pan. Pour water and coffee powder.
2. Bring to boil. Reduce to 1 cup. Allow to cool.
3. In a bowl add whipped cream cheese and powdered sugar. Mix well.
4. Take a 6-cup rectangular glass pan.
5. Place one parchment paper (butter paper) or plastic wrap.

6. Dip ladyfingers biscuits in coffee concentrate (for 1 sec).

7. Place each ladyfingers biscuit on parchment paper.

8. Put a layer of whipped cream cheese.

9. Place one more layer of biscuits.

10. Put whipped cream layer again.
11. Finally sprinkle cocoa powder using sieving vessel.

12. Refrigerate to set the cake. It will take 7 hours.
13. Cut the cake and serve. Enjoy!!

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