Monday, August 31, 2015

Cracked Wheat Upma

Recipe Type: Indian                                     Yield: 2
Preparation Time: 5 mins                            Cooking Time: 20 mins

3/4 cup of roasted cracked wheat
2 tsp of sugar
3/4 tsp of salt
1 tsp of mustard seeds
3 tsp of ghee or clarified butter
2 tsp of coconut oil
1 tomato
1/4 cup of snow peas
6 curry leaves
1/4 cup of chopped coriander leaves
1 tsp of chana dal or dal
1 3/4 cup of water
1 green chilly

1. Heat a nonstick pan. Add oil, ghee, mustard seeds, chana dal and curry leaves for tempering.
2. Now put chopped tomato, slit opened green chilly, few coriander leaves and snow peas.

3. Add cracked roasted wheat, salt, sugar, remaining coriander leaves and water.

4. Close the pan with a lid and cook till cracked roasted wheat becomes transparent (cooked). Occasionally stir while cooking.

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