Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Recipe Type: Indian                                                Yield: 4      
Preparation Time : 15 mins                                   Cooking Time: 30 mins


1/4 cup of Basmati rice
1/3 cup of sugar
1 Tsp of clarified butter (Ghee)
1/2 Tsp of cardamom powder
5 Cashew nuts
4 Sliced almonds
6 Chopped pistachios
10 Saffron strands (soak it in warm milk for 5 mins)
2 Cups of milk


1. Soak basmati rice in warm water for 10 mins.
2. Grind the basmati rice coarsely.
3. Heat a thick bottom pan.
4. Add milk and bring to boil.
5. Now put the coarsely ground basmati. Stir it.
6. Cook it in a low flame. Occasionally stir it. Now add saffron (which is soaked in the warm milk).

7. As rice cooks add fried cashew nuts, almond. Add pistachios and sugar.
8. Mix the cardamom powder. Bring to boil.

Note: Cook it in low flame. Mix well.

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