Thursday, September 7, 2017

Samo-Oats Pancakes

Recipe Type : Indian                Soaking Time: 3hrs            Yield : Count of 9      
Preparation Time : 10 mins                                                  Cooking Time : 3 mins 

Ingredients : 
3/4 cup samo/ mariyo/varai 
1/4 cup oats flour
1 cup water (if required add some more )
2 tomatoes (finely chopped)
2 grated carrots
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
2 green chilies (finely chopped)
1 tbsp mooligai podi (Recipe link) or pavbhaji powder
2 tbsp butter or oil for frying

Method :
1. Soak samo/mariyo/vari in water for 3 hrs.
2. Grind mariyo to prepare fine paste (add water while grinding).
3. Now in a bowl add the ground batter.
4. Add salt, and oats flour. Mix well. Keep this batter for 10 mins.
5. If batter is thick add little water to get right consistency.
6. Heat a griddle. Add little oil. Pour one ladle of batter.
7. Sprinkle little oil or butter. Add veggies. Sprinkle little mooligai powder. Cover pan with a lid.
8. Serve with chutney or ketchup.

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