Monday, September 5, 2016

Kokum Buttermilk / Birinda thaku

Recipe Type : Indian                                                                          Yield : 2 cups
Preparation Time : 5 mins                                                                 Cooking Time : 2 mins

Ingredients :
6 dried kokum/cocum (Soaked in 1 cup of water for 3 hrs)
1 cup buttermilk
2 tbsp thick curd
1/2 tsp salt
1 dried red chilly
5 curry leaves
2 tsp chopped coriander leaves

Method :
1. In a bowl add sieved kokum water (discard kokum), salt, buttermilk, chopped coriander leaves and thick curd. Mix well.
2. For tempering: Add dried red chilly (chopped) and curry leaves.
3. Add tempered substance to the buttermilk bowl.

Note: Another tempering method : 1 tsp oil, half tsp mustard seeds, chopped green chilly and curry leaves.

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