Thursday, August 17, 2017

2-in-1 batter-soft idli/dosa

Recipe Type : Indian       Fermentation Time : 6 hrs                      Preparation Time : 15 mins
Soaking Time : 5 hrs           Cooking Time : 20 mins for idli/ 3 mins for dosa

Ingredients : 
2 cups sona masuri rice
1 cup black gram/ urada dal
1 cup thin flattened rice
salt to taste

Method :
1. Soak rice and black gram separately in water for 4 hrs.
2. Grind them separately, adding less water.
3. Soak thin flattened rice for 3 mins in water.
4. Grind soaked thin beaten rice.
5. Mix all 3 ground ingredients in a bowl.
6. Ferment batter for 6 hrs (if required add yeast).
7. Add salt to batter. Mix well.

For Soft Idli:
1. Heat idli cooker with water.
2. Fill batter into the idli molds. Steam for 20 mins.
3. Serve hot idlis with sambar and chutney.

For Pancakes/ Dosa
1. Heat a griddle. Smear oil on griddle.
2. Pour one ladle of batter. Spread it.
3. Add little oil. Cook pancakes on both sides.
4. Serve with chutney.

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