Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Cream cheese cake/ no baking cake


                                                                      Yield : 5
Preparation Time : 10 mins                                                             Cooking Time : 15 mins

Ingredients :
200g strawberries
200g pineapple
1 and 1/2 cup of icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
5 shortbread or cookies
500g cream cheese

Method :
1. Heat a sauce pan. Add chopped strawberries. Cook for 10 mins.

2. Add 1/4 cup of icing sugar and cook for 5 more mins. Keep aside.

3. Meanwhile heat another saucepan. Add chopped pineapple. Cook for 12 mins.

4. Add 1/4 cup of icing sugar to pineapple cooking pan. Cook for another 5 mins. Keep aside.

5. In a bowl mash shortbreads or cookies into powder.

6. In a bowl add cream cheese, vanilla essence and 1 cup of icing sugar and mix well.

7. Arrange 5 bowls. Now put 1 tbsp of shortbread powder into each bowl. Press the  powder to the base of the bowl (from inside) using a spatula or lid.

8. Add 1 tbsp of cream cheese into each bowl, followed by a layer of pineapple sauce.

9. Next layer will be cream cheese and followed by strawberry sauce layer.


10. Final layer is cream cheese.

11. Refrigerate this cream cheese cake for 24 hours, or until the cake is set.

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