Thursday, April 30, 2015

Raw Jackfruit Flitters.

Recipe Type: Indian                            Yield: 2
Preparation Time: 30mins.                   Cook Time: 20mins.

100g of Raw Jackfruit
2 Tsp Salt
6 Byadagi Chilies
2 Tsp of Asafoetida
2 Garlic Cloves
1" of ginger
2 Tbsp of soaked white rice
1 Tsp of tamarind paste


Cut the raw jackfruit into thin slices. Add salt, 1 1/2 cup of water. Cook it in cooker. Switch off the gas after 2 whistles.

For Masala (guli): 
Add all these ingredients into a mixer jar. Byadagi chilies, asafoetida, tamarind paste, garlic cloves, ginger, little water.
Make its paste.

1. Now remove all water content from the raw jackfruit using a sieve.

2. Apply ground masala to the cooked raw jackfruit.
3. Marinate the raw jackfruit for 20 mins.

4. Heat a pan. Add 4 spoons of oil. Cook these marinated raw jackfruits both sides on a low flame.

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