Friday, July 27, 2018

Spongy Pancakes

Recipe Type : Indian             Soaking Time : 3 hours         Yield : Count of 10
Preparation Time : 10 mins       Fermentation Time : 4 hours   Cooking Time : 3 mins each

Ingredients :
1 cup white rice
1/4 cup chanadal
1/4 cup urad dal
1/2 cup thin poha
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds
oil for frying 

Method :
1. Soak all ingredients (except salt and thin poha) in water for 3 hours.
2. Soak thin poha in water separately for 2 mins. Grind to fine paste. Add this paste to batter. Mix well.
3. Grind all soaked matter to fine paste. Keep aside for fermentation (4 hours).
4. Add salt to batter and mix well.
5. Heat a griddle. Add little oil.
6. Pour one ladle of batter. Cover pan with a lid and cook for some time.
7. Serve with chutney. 

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