Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Recipe Type : Indian                                                             Yield : 4 cups 
Preparation Time : 30 mins                                                  Cooking Time : 6 mins

Ingredients :
1 and 1/2 cups rice flour
3/4 cup hurikadale / roasted Bengal gram or chanadal / dalia (dry roast and make powder)
2 tsp chilly powder (as per taste)
1/2 tsp asafoetida powder
1 tbsp butter (melted and hot)
7 curry leaves (optional)
1 tsp and 1/2 salt
1/4 cup maida
1 tbsp semolina
1 tsp cumin seeds
1/4 tsp carom seeds
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 cup canola oil or coconut oil

Method : 
1. In a bowl add all ingredients (except oil and water).
2. Add water little by little to prepare dough.
3. Apply oil on your palms and take little dough.
4. Rub the dough with your hands to make a thick noodle and join it's ends.
5. Repeat this process to make several such shapes.

6. Heat a pan containing oil. Lower the gas to medium flame.

7. Deep fry the shapes until golden.

8. Once at room temperature store in airtight container.

Note: If dough breaks while preparing shape add little oil or little water.

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