Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Horse gram-Semolina Pancakes / Kultha-Rulav Polo

Recipe type : Indian                                                                             Yield : 8 nos.
Preparation Time : 10 mins           Soaking Time : 8 hrs                  Cooking Time : 3 mins each

1 tsp mustard seeds
5 curry leaves 
1 tbsp oil
1/4 tsp asafoetida
1 cup semolina
1/4 cup horse gram (Kulith) (soaked for 8hrs)
3/4 cup water
1 green chilly
1 tsp chopped ginger
1 tsp salt (to taste)
1 tbsp grated coconut

1. Grind horse gram, grated coconut, green chilly, ginger and 1/4 cup of water. Make a fine paste and pour in a bowl.
2. Heat a small sauce pan. Pour little oil, mustard seeds, curry leaves, asafoetida and curry leaves for tempering.
3. Now add tempered ingredients into the bowl. Add salt, 1/2 cup of water and semolina. Mix well. Keep the batter aside for 15 minutes (if required add some more water).
4. Heat a griddle. Add little oil.
5. Pour one ladle of batter and spread it. Cook dosa on both sides.

6. Serve with chutney.

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